SD - The Salty Donut
SD stands for The Salty Donut
Here you will find, what does SD stand for in Food and Beverages under Industry category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate The Salty Donut? The Salty Donut can be abbreviated as SD What does SD stand for? SD stands for The Salty Donut. What does The Salty Donut mean?The United States based company is located in Miami, Florida engaged in food & beverages industry.
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Alternative definitions of SD
- San Diego Chargers
- South Dakota
- Senate District
- San Disk
- Single Data
- Scsi Device
- Scsi Disk
- Software Development
View 310 other definitions of SD on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
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- SPL Skoog Productions LLC
- SLA Strata Landscape Architecture
- SM The Service Manager
- SPPU Saint Petersburg Polytechnical University
- SRSL Sonic Rail Services Limited
- SHL Stanley Hicks Limited
- SPC The Street Plans Collaborative
- SRITS Solid Rock IT Solutions
- SOLYS SOL Yoga Studios
- SHCC Shelter Home of Caldwell County
- SREL Shepherd Real Estate LLC
- SFB Simply Factoring Brokers
- SMSST SMS Store Traffic
- SVS Sentry View Systems
- SSC Space Style Concept
- SRR Salem Radio Representatives
- SMC Shift Marketing Communications